NASA three possible locations to search for life in the 2020 Mission Mars.

Quoted from andegjat, when the Rover device establishments in March 2020 eventually will reach the surface of the red planet, the speed of its operation to dig and collect examples of existing materials on the surface of Mars.
NASA has not announced the exact location of the excavation on the site that


















Researchers have claimed that evidence of a small black hole have found that from within the dense molecular gas Nebula passes; this is the Nebula belongs to the remains of a supernova.

All of the black hole are the ability to produce the tablets برافزایشی (Accretion Disk) do not have a large visible radiation that emits. No detectable radiation, find the enigmatic dark ORB is almost impossible. But sometimes luck with scientists is a sweetheart. The researchers sought to find a black hole. Instead, they are compared to the remains of a supernova W44 expressed interest that 100,000 light years

Real video of how to create this cosmic event

ماسایا Yamada, graduate student University of q in Japan, said: "a few rounds against Nebula kinetic energy greater than the energy applied by Supernova W44. There is the ]possibility that such an energetic Nebula under normal circumstances. "the researchers explain the molecular behavior of two strange raised for theory. In the model


Today, the chimpanzees to critical training periods, but NASA can help this issue. The NASA space agency recently its cooperation in the field of the protection of chimpanzees with the Institute "Jane Goodall".

More than two million chimpanzees in recent years 100 was there, but today the International Union for conservation of nature, the existence of a number of 345 of thousands of the estimated number of chimpanzee. In a partnership of NASA and the American country, organization satellite in order to identify the place of living chimpanzees. Lillian پاینتا expert and Deputy Director of the Institute for protection of "Jane Goodall" because there


In the past include the chimpanzees Habitat forests and trees of the saline was huge but today only a small part of the outside of the Park includes protected. based on allegedly responsible for the institution, "Jane Goodall", population growth and the production of charcoal from the main factors increase the amount of cut trees in past years is therefore in line with the efforts of the conservation of chimpanzees in cooperation with the institutions


Based on new research, probably land water by chemical reactions deep in the mantle of our planet. Scientists have previously trained to rely on the idea that the collision with the ground meteorites can be large amounts of ice on the land border which later laid on the effect of melting, the grounds for the creation of water, has provided.


The researchers of the University of Dublin in Ireland (UCD) by doing a computer simulation found that the reaction between hydrogen high-pressure liquid with high temperatures and silicon dioxide in quartz (which can be found in the upper mantle of the Earth) can be liquid water under the right conditions. Reactions with different temperatures and different pressures in the upper mantle of the earth i.e. 40 km below the Earth's surface up to 400

Scientists had expected that the water level is composed of silica, but they were surprised that the findings of the water remained confined within the book of silica and a huge amount of pressure to the end. The scientists believe, the liberation of this amount of pressure can be the reason for the occurrence of earthquakes in hundreds of kilometers below the Earth's surface. New findings from tests on similar reaction among the


NASA looking for a space alien in "Europe"















Do the European "» news from the space alien? Scientists have long debated this question and think now to find an answer to the new NASA robots have sewn.

«Europe» as one of the most known moons of Jupiter. But for the scientists is a unique and exciting dimension. Supposed to be in this particular space due to atmospheric conditions, the crime that is the prevailing


The concern of scientists, an asteroid towards the Earth















The NASA Space Agency last year to identify the object in space that with the rapidly approaching the Earth. This object is an asteroid or a comet star.

Quoted from azrtg, NASA says this mysterious object without colliding with the Earth from a distance of approximately 51 million kilometers, it will pass.

But some scientists and NASA's calculations are approved by default. They



Scientists with the help of various missions and کاوشگرهایی are so far away that the Mars to understand different aspects of Mars. Several space agencies of the red planet, the following comments are joined to preparing for future missions to Mars. To obtain information in order to prepare better, it is very important. In this regard, scientists believe



189jm9159avs8jpgبه scientists say the findings may be a clue for finding life on the red Mobile sphere. Mars and examine the possibilities in case that there is life on the mostimportant priorities of many space agencies. There are many evidence that billions of years ago Mars has a Lake, River and sea. Any where on Earth water


The fact that metanogn do not require photosynthesis to oxygen and it means that they are able to life in the layer beneath the surface of Mars are the layers of the ultraviolet rays level of Mars in Amman. The characteristics of metanogn they have become ideal candidates for proving the existence of life on Mars. To test the possibility of survival of these microorganisms in the class="item-img">